We build bridges between People & resources
Start here. Let us help connect you with the right information, the right people, and the right resources to address your challenge. You'll find helpful links, publications, and answers to preservation questions.
Also check out our PARTICIPATE page for opportunities to learn in person and network with other preservationists at the annual Statewide Conference on Heritage and the always-inspiring Pennsylvania Historic Preservation Awards celebration.
The number one question we hear is about money to maintain privately-owned old houses. If that's the treasure you seek, we're sorry to say there's no pot of preservation gold. Commercial property owners have more options.
Check out this list of grant opportunities.
There's a whole network of organizations at the local, state and national levels who may be able to provide you with information or connections.
Consult this list of preservation partners, who offer additional resources, events and expertise.
You can make a difference. Nominate a property to the annual Pennsylvania At Risk list that draws statewide attention to the plight of Pennsylvania’s historic resources, promotes local action to protect historic properties, and encourages preservation-friendly funding and legislation.
Frequently asked questions
Below you'll find some of the most common questions we receive. Just click + to expand the answer box. (We also get questions such as "what should I do with the old purse I found in the walls of my house?" and "how can I found out if someone famous lived in my house?")
One of Preservation Pennsylvania’s core missions is to provide assistance to individuals, organizations and communities who want to plan for and preserve special places with exceptional meaning.
Thanks to the support of our members and generous donors we are able to provide limited hours of free advisory, planning or educational assistance to jump start a project.
We also encourage you to review the network of partners listed. Despite our best efforts to be of service, we are not always able to dedicate significant staff time to every request for help. Therefore, we have compiled this supplemental preservation community contact information for your convenience.
In addition to the resources noted here, we recommend that you contact your local preservation/historic organization, as they are more familiar with the places and issues of the region.
As always, if you do not find the information that you need you are welcome to contact us using the information below. We will then do our best to put you in contact with an individual or organization that can best handle your questions.
Please let us know how we can assist you. Use our Contact Form (under "About Us").
Good luck with your projects!
Looking for more?
Check the other pages in the Resources section (Expertise, Funding, Partners). Our News section is also a great resource for interesting preservation stories from across the state and great resources and news-you-can-use . Check out some of the recent posts below. And don't forget to sign up for our monthly e-news!