LEARN logo for conferenceWe’re counting down until the start of the virtual edition of the Pennsylvania Statewide Conference on Heritage, Tuesday, October 13 – Friday, October 16!

Let’s talk about one of your top priorities (based on our survey feedback). How do you meet and mingle at a virtual conference?

(Haven’t signed up and yet want to see the schedule? Visit the Schedule page to learn more and use the link at the top of the page to register. Don’t miss out! Or, Click to register now.)

On Your Mark…

Once you’ve registered, you’ll need to claim your profile. (When you registered, you should have received an email with instructions.) Do it now before conference begins because if too many people wait until the last minute, we can’t guarantee we can help you in time.

Get Set…

Don’t miss a minute of our opening session, the Keystone Keynote by Sara Bronin, about “Tomorrow’s Preservation Movement.” Claim your profile today by visiting the Town Square (click here).

  1. When you use the Town Square link, you’ll be asked to enter the code you received via email. (Didn’t get the code? Contact mbabich@preservationpa.org)
  2. Enter the email that you used to register.
  3. Create a password.
  4. You will receive a confirmation email from Attendify. (Always check spam if something isn’t appearing in your inbox.) Click the link in the email to verify.
  5. Go back and set up your profile.
  6. Make it all about you: add a photo, list your website and social media links (full URLs, not just handles), set a goal, post a bio, and let others know what kind of preservation topics or projects you’re interested in.
  7. Your profile is searchable! Use words in your bio that highlight your expertise or the connections you’re looking to build so people can find you.
  8. *p.s. pro tip: you may want to refresh/reload your screen from time to time to ensure you’re seeing all the most recent information loaded.


You’re all set! No scrambling to find daily email links. Everything will be at this site. Schedule, live sessions, activity wall, our wonderful sponsors, and your fellow preservationists. (Recorded sessions will be available on the site after the conference and via links in a post-conference email to registered attendees only. Registered attendees will also receive our Resource Guide chock full of recommended sources for more information and the Historic Preservation Awards newsletter.

We look forward to connecting with everyone Tuesday, October 13-Friday, October 16!

Interested in attending only the Pennsylvania Historic Preservation Awards on Wednesday, October 14 from 4-5:30pm? Click here to register for free.

Networking Tips

Based on our survey results, networking and interaction were important benefits of past conferences and you wanted to be able to connect with fellow attendees. One of our favorite things about conference was watching people connecting over shared challenges and comparing notes. We find strength together, so get ready to find your people! Here are some tips for connecting in this virtual space.

Build your Profile
We can’t emphasize this enough: set up your profile. Your profile is a key to your experience.

Search by Keywords
Use the search option in the upper right corner of the People section to filter the attendee list by keywords. You can search a name, occupation, website, and virtually any keyword.

Connect via social
Click on a person’s profile and if they’ve added their social links, you’ll see those icons below the “Private Message” button. Tap on the icon to view the connected profile or send a connection request from within the app – connection requests are supported only for LinkedIn and Twitter. Please note: we’ve added websites and Instagram to speaker bio sections as these are not currently supported by the platform. If you have an awesome Instagram and want more followers, add it to your bio section!

Mention Other Attendees in Your Posts on the Activity Stream or Session Streams
You can tag specific people with questions, ideas and comments. Simply put the @ symbol and start typing a username to have the user notified when the post is created.  (Example: @sabrasmith)

Attending by phone?