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How to Preserve & Protect the Places That Matter to You

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Preservation Associates Network

Our directory of Business Members provides an opportunity to raise awareness of preservation services available across the state.

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Your donations and membership allow us to offer our services statewide and to advocate for preservation-friendly policies.


Landmark Book

Need the perfect gift for armchair travelers and road trippers? Visit the state's top National Historic Landmarks in Historic Pennsylvania by Preservation Pennsylvania Executive Director Mindy Crawford.

Buy the book 

“Groundbreaking” Preservation Success Story!

Added to Pennsylvania At Risk in 2017, a milestone was reached as Mifflin Farm held a Preservation Celebration and Groundbreaking ceremony. The event marked the culmination of the seven-year effort to protect this invaluable site from development and set the stage for its transformation into the Susquehanna Discovery Center & Heritage Park

2024 Pennsylvania At Risk

Preservation Pennsylvania has announced the 2024 Pennsylvania At Risk in an effort to bring statewide attention to threatened historic properties, serve as a tool for local action toward a positive outcome, and encourage funding and legislation in support of preservation activities.

Saving Places

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Preservation Pennsylvania helps you find the information and resources you need to pursue preservation in your community.

Click on the top level pages (Home, Resources, News, Participate, Give/Join or About Us) for a quick overview of  that section and easy, clickable reference points. The drop down menu offers a deeper dive into specific interest areas.

The RESOURCES section offers updates on grant and funding opportunities, and helpful publications. Our Link Library will be regularly updated to help you find authoritative guidance on a wide range of topics, from climate change and energy efficiency to historic cemeteries and the neighborhood toolkit from Penn Praxis.

Use our NEWS  feature for updates and regular mini-features about people and places across Pennsylvania, great preservation projects, interesting resources, guest columnists and more! Some of our most recent posts are featured below; just scroll and click to read more.

We hope you'll PARTICIPATE -- nominate a place to Pennsylvania At Risk, celebrate the amazing recipients of the Pennsylvania Historic Preservation Awards, or attend or sponsor a workshop or a special event we're hosting near you! Attending events is a great way of learning new things, sharing ideas, and making connections.

For 40 years, we've advocated on behalf of the commonwealth's historic places. We couldn't have done it without the support of our members and donors. We hope you'll JOIN US or DONATE to help save the places that make Pennsylvania special! (Some people confuse us with the Pennsylvania State Historic Preservation Office. We collaborate, but we are a private nonprofit that counts on members and donors to support the statewide preservation work we do!)

Are you already a Preservation Pennsylvania member? Use the LOG IN link in the top navigation band to renew your membership, check transactions or manage your account. Thank you for your support and involvement!